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SmartSenior: innovation in nine segments.

The SmartSenior research project is divided into nine project segments in order to best integrate the skills and know-how of the 28 partner companies and organisations. The project management looks after, plans and guides five SmartSenior project segments which focus on applications affecting scenarios relevant to users:

  • Emergency assistance

  • Telemedical health services

  • Home safety solutions & the comfortable living service portal

  • Communications solutions for social networking

  • Vital signs data capture and management

The overall project is completed by two further segments, which deliver vital building blocks to safeguard reliable services and provide an overarching communications infrastructure: the telemedical service center and a needs-based network and service infrastructure ensure that the solutions are integrated into a strict overall concept. The segment focused on user-friendly design and evaluation is a final guarantee that the SmartSenior products meet the special needs of older people and offer a maximum of user comfort.

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